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For ambitious companies who want to launch a subscription model and unlock their growth potential.

Get started - it's free

No credit card required

  • Multi-language support

  • Support for multiple tax regions

  • Dunning for online and offline payments

  • Support for multiple pricing models

INR 20,000

For scaling companies who want to optimize their revenue operations and lay the foundation for rapid growth.

Start 14-day trial

7-Day Money Back Guarantee

  • Advance and consolidated invoices

  • Quotes

  • Support for multiple payment methods per customer

  • Chargeback automation

  • User role management

  • Priority phone support


For leading companies who want to drive continued growth via new products, geos, pricing models.

Upgrade your plan

7-Day Money Back Guarantee

  • Everything in Basic

  • Account hierarchy

  • Contract terms

  • Support for multiple business entities

  • On-demand discounting

  • 24/7 Email Support

Questions & Answers

Some common questions we get about brospay.

1. Getting started with Brospay

Brospay offers a robust and flexible billing system designed to empower your sales and marketing teams to execute special promotions effectively. With Brospay, your support team has the right tools to handle billing queries accurately and respond promptly, ensuring customer satisfaction. Additionally, Brospay seamlessly integrates with a variety of payment gateways, allowing you to collect payments online through your preferred payment gateway. This comprehensive solution streamlines your billing processes, enhances customer experience, and facilitates smooth payment transactions, ultimately contributing to the success of your business.

2. What's inside the package?

Inside the Brospay package, you can expect to find a comprehensive set of tools and features designed to streamline your billing processes and enhance your overall business operations.

3. How do I choose a plan?
  • Choosing the right plan for your business depends on several factors, including your budget, business size, needs, and growth goals.

  • Start by assessing your business requirements and objectives. Consider factors such as the number of users, transaction volume, billing complexity, and desired features.

4. How does Brospay handle my privacy?

Brospay takes your privacy and the security of your data seriously.Here's how Brospay typically handles your privacy:

Data Encryption, strict Access Controls, compliance with Data Protection Regulations, data Minimization, transparency and Accountability, user Control and Consent, regular Security Audits and Assessments and data Breach Response Plan

5. I have an issue with my account

Reach out to Brospay's customer support team for assistance with your account issue. They can provide guidance, troubleshoot the issue, and offer solutions to resolve it.

6. Can I cancel at anytime?

To determine if you can cancel your Brospay account at any time, you'll need to review Brospay's terms of service or user agreement. These documents typically outline the cancellation policy, including any requirements or conditions for cancelling your account.

Have any questions? Get in Touch